Chatham University Admission Rate

Chatham University admission rate is 0.5483. It means that out of 100 applicants only 55 will be accepted.

Chatham University Details

OwnershipPrivate nonprofit
Zip Code15232
RegionMid East (DE, DC, MD, NJ, NY, PA)
Number of Students93
College Website
College Program4 Year

Chatham University Tuition

In State Tuition$34,440
Out of State Tuition$34,440
Average Net Cost To Attend$20,386

Chatham University Demographics

Non-resident Alien3.17%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander0.00%
American Indian/Alaska Native0.72%

Chatham University Fields Of Study and Degrees

Field of StudyDegreeField of Study CIP
International AgricultureMaster's Degree0107 (01.07)
Natural Resources Conservation and ResearchBachelors Degree0301 (03.01)
Interior ArchitectureBachelors Degree0405 (04.05)
Interior ArchitectureMaster's Degree0405 (04.05)
Landscape ArchitectureMaster's Degree0406 (04.06)
Architectural Sciences and TechnologyMaster's Degree0409 (04.09)
Ethnic, Cultural Minority, Gender, and Group StudiesBachelors Degree0502 (05.02)
Ethnic, Cultural Minority, Gender, and Group StudiesMaster's Degree0502 (05.02)
Communication and Media StudiesBachelors Degree0901 (09.01)
Communication and Media StudiesMaster's Degree0901 (09.01)
JournalismBachelors Degree0904 (09.04)
Curriculum and InstructionMaster's Degree1303 (13.03)
Special Education and TeachingMaster's Degree1310 (13.10)
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and MethodsBachelors Degree1312 (13.12)
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and MethodsMaster's Degree1312 (13.12)
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject AreasMaster's Degree1313 (13.13)
Education, OtherMaster's Degree1399 (13.99)
Foods, Nutrition, and Related ServicesMaster's Degree1905 (19.05)
English Language and Literature, GeneralBachelors Degree2301 (23.01)
Rhetoric and Composition/Writing StudiesBachelors Degree2313 (23.13)
Rhetoric and Composition/Writing StudiesMaster's Degree2313 (23.13)
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and HumanitiesBachelors Degree2401 (24.01)
Biology, GeneralBachelors Degree2601 (26.01)
Biology, GeneralMaster's Degree2601 (26.01)
Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular BiologyBachelors Degree2602 (26.02)
MathematicsBachelors Degree2701 (27.01)
International/Global StudiesBachelors Degree3020 (30.20)
Intercultural/Multicultural and Diversity StudiesBachelors Degree3023 (30.23)
Cultural Studies/Critical Theory and AnalysisBachelors Degree3026 (30.26)
Human BiologyBachelors Degree3027 (30.27)
Sustainability StudiesBachelors Degree3033 (30.33)
Sustainability StudiesMaster's Degree3033 (30.33)
Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherBachelors Degree3099 (30.99)
Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherMaster's Degree3099 (30.99)
Health and Physical Education/FitnessBachelors Degree3105 (31.05)
ChemistryBachelors Degree4005 (40.05)
ChemistryMaster's Degree4005 (40.05)
PhysicsBachelors Degree4008 (40.08)
Psychology, GeneralBachelors Degree4201 (42.01)
Psychology, GeneralMaster's Degree4201 (42.01)
Psychology, GeneralDoctoral Degree4201 (42.01)
Psychology, GeneralFirst Professional Degree4201 (42.01)
Clinical, Counseling and Applied PsychologyMaster's Degree4228 (42.28)
Psychology, OtherBachelors Degree4299 (42.99)
Psychology, OtherMaster's Degree4299 (42.99)
Criminal Justice and CorrectionsBachelors Degree4301 (43.01)
Public Policy AnalysisBachelors Degree4405 (44.05)
Social WorkBachelors Degree4407 (44.07)
CriminologyBachelors Degree4504 (45.04)
EconomicsBachelors Degree4506 (45.06)
International Relations and National Security StudiesBachelors Degree4509 (45.09)
Political Science and GovernmentBachelors Degree4510 (45.10)
Visual and Performing Arts, GeneralBachelors Degree5001 (50.01)
Film/Video and Photographic ArtsBachelors Degree5006 (50.06)
Film/Video and Photographic ArtsMaster's Degree5006 (50.06)
Fine and Studio ArtsBachelors Degree5007 (50.07)
MusicBachelors Degree5009 (50.09)
Arts, Entertainment,and Media ManagementBachelors Degree5010 (50.10)
Health and Medical Administrative ServicesMaster's Degree5107 (51.07)
Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment ProfessionsMaster's Degree5109 (51.09)
Mental and Social Health Services and Allied ProfessionsMaster's Degree5115 (51.15)
Mental and Social Health Services and Allied ProfessionsGraduate/Professional Certificate5115 (51.15)
Public HealthBachelors Degree5122 (51.22)
Rehabilitation and Therapeutic ProfessionsMaster's Degree5123 (51.23)
Rehabilitation and Therapeutic ProfessionsDoctoral Degree5123 (51.23)
Rehabilitation and Therapeutic ProfessionsFirst Professional Degree5123 (51.23)
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical NursingBachelors Degree5138 (51.38)
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical NursingMaster's Degree5138 (51.38)
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical NursingDoctoral Degree5138 (51.38)
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical NursingFirst Professional Degree5138 (51.38)
Business Administration, Management and OperationsBachelors Degree5202 (52.02)
Business Administration, Management and OperationsMaster's Degree5202 (52.02)
Accounting and Related ServicesBachelors Degree5203 (52.03)
Accounting and Related ServicesMaster's Degree5203 (52.03)
Business/Managerial EconomicsBachelors Degree5206 (52.06)
Entrepreneurial and Small Business OperationsMaster's Degree5207 (52.07)
International BusinessBachelors Degree5211 (52.11)
Management Information Systems and ServicesBachelors Degree5212 (52.12)
MarketingBachelors Degree5214 (52.14)
Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, OtherMaster's Degree5299 (52.99)
HistoryBachelors Degree5401 (54.01)

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