Clinton Essex Warren Washington Boces Admission Rate

Clinton Essex Warren Washington Boces admission rate is 0.4477. It means that out of 100 applicants only 45 will be accepted.

Clinton Essex Warren Washington Boces Details

Zip Code12901-0455
RegionMid East (DE, DC, MD, NJ, NY, PA)
Number of Students22
College Website
College Program2 Year

Clinton Essex Warren Washington Boces Tuition

In State Tuition$0
Out of State Tuition$0
Average Net Cost To Attend$11,766

Clinton Essex Warren Washington Boces Demographics

Non-resident Alien0.00%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander0.00%
American Indian/Alaska Native0.00%

Clinton Essex Warren Washington Boces Fields Of Study and Degrees

Field of StudyDegreeField of Study CIP
Natural Resources Management and PolicyUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma0302 (03.02)
Natural Resources and Conservation, OtherUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma0399 (03.99)
Computer Software and Media ApplicationsUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma1108 (11.08)
Cosmetology and Related Personal Grooming ServicesUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma1204 (12.04)
Culinary Arts and Related ServicesUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma1205 (12.05)
Mechanical Engineering Related Technologies/TechniciansUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma1508 (15.08)
Human Development, Family Studies, and Related ServicesUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma1907 (19.07)
Criminal Justice and CorrectionsUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma4301 (43.01)
Electrical and Power Transmission InstallersUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma4603 (46.03)
Construction Trades, OtherUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma4699 (46.99)
Heavy/Industrial Equipment Maintenance TechnologiesUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma4703 (47.03)
Vehicle Maintenance and Repair TechnologiesUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma4706 (47.06)
Precision Metal WorkingUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma4805 (48.05)
Design and Applied ArtsUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma5004 (50.04)
Health and Medical Administrative ServicesUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma5107 (51.07)
Allied Health and Medical Assisting ServicesUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma5108 (51.08)
Practical Nursing, Vocational Nursing and Nursing AssistantsUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma5139 (51.39)

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