Maranatha Baptist University Admission Rate

Maranatha Baptist University admission rate is 0.6864. It means that out of 100 applicants only 69 will be accepted.

Maranatha Baptist University Details

OwnershipPrivate nonprofit
Zip Code53094
RegionGreat Lakes (IL, IN, MI, OH, WI)
Number of Students129
College Website
College Program4 Year

Maranatha Baptist University Tuition

In State Tuition$13,940
Out of State Tuition$13,940
Average Net Cost To Attend$17,957

Maranatha Baptist University Demographics

Non-resident Alien1.06%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander0.26%
American Indian/Alaska Native0.13%

Maranatha Baptist University Fields Of Study and Degrees

Field of StudyDegreeField of Study CIP
Communication and Media StudiesBachelors Degree0901 (09.01)
Education, GeneralBachelors Degree1301 (13.01)
Education, GeneralMaster's Degree1301 (13.01)
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and MethodsAssociate's Degree1312 (13.12)
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and MethodsBachelors Degree1312 (13.12)
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject AreasBachelors Degree1313 (13.13)
English Language and Literature, GeneralBachelors Degree2301 (23.01)
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and HumanitiesAssociate's Degree2401 (24.01)
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and HumanitiesBachelors Degree2401 (24.01)
Biology, GeneralBachelors Degree2601 (26.01)
Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralBachelors Degree3000 (30.00)
Health and Physical Education/FitnessBachelors Degree3105 (31.05)
Bible/Biblical StudiesUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma3902 (39.02)
Bible/Biblical StudiesBachelors Degree3902 (39.02)
Bible/Biblical StudiesMaster's Degree3902 (39.02)
Missions/Missionary Studies and MissiologyBachelors Degree3903 (39.03)
Missions/Missionary Studies and MissiologyMaster's Degree3903 (39.03)
Religious/Sacred MusicBachelors Degree3905 (39.05)
Religious/Sacred MusicMaster's Degree3905 (39.05)
Theological and Ministerial StudiesMaster's Degree3906 (39.06)
Theological and Ministerial StudiesFirst Professional Degree3906 (39.06)
Pastoral Counseling and Specialized MinistriesAssociate's Degree3907 (39.07)
Pastoral Counseling and Specialized MinistriesBachelors Degree3907 (39.07)
Pastoral Counseling and Specialized MinistriesMaster's Degree3907 (39.07)
Criminal Justice and CorrectionsAssociate's Degree4301 (43.01)
Visual and Performing Arts, GeneralAssociate's Degree5001 (50.01)
MusicBachelors Degree5009 (50.09)
Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, GeneralAssociate's Degree5100 (51.00)
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical NursingBachelors Degree5138 (51.38)
Business Administration, Management and OperationsAssociate's Degree5202 (52.02)
Business Administration, Management and OperationsBachelors Degree5202 (52.02)
Accounting and Related ServicesBachelors Degree5203 (52.03)
MarketingBachelors Degree5214 (52.14)

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