Ner Israel Rabbinical College Admission Rate

Ner Israel Rabbinical College admission rate is 0.782. It means that out of 100 applicants only 78 will be accepted.

Ner Israel Rabbinical College Details

OwnershipPrivate nonprofit
Zip Code21208
RegionMid East (DE, DC, MD, NJ, NY, PA)
Number of Students7
College Website
College Program4 Year

Ner Israel Rabbinical College Tuition

In State Tuition$10,900
Out of State Tuition$10,900
Average Net Cost To Attend$5,773

Ner Israel Rabbinical College Demographics

Non-resident Alien7.67%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander0.00%
American Indian/Alaska Native0.00%

Ner Israel Rabbinical College Fields Of Study and Degrees

Field of StudyDegreeField of Study CIP
Religion/Religious StudiesBachelors Degree3802 (38.02)
Theological and Ministerial StudiesBachelors Degree3906 (39.06)
Theological and Ministerial StudiesMaster's Degree3906 (39.06)
Theological and Ministerial StudiesDoctoral Degree3906 (39.06)
Theological and Ministerial StudiesFirst Professional Degree3906 (39.06)

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