Trocaire College admission rate is 0.5033. It means that out of 100 applicants only 50 will be accepted.
Field of Study | Degree | Field of Study CIP |
Data Processing | Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma | 1103 (11.03) |
Data Processing | Associate's Degree | 1103 (11.03) |
Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications | Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma | 1109 (11.09) |
Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications | Associate's Degree | 1109 (11.09) |
Computer/Information Technology Administration and Management | Associate's Degree | 1110 (11.10) |
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities | Associate's Degree | 2401 (24.01) |
Health and Medical Administrative Services | Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma | 5107 (51.07) |
Health and Medical Administrative Services | Associate's Degree | 5107 (51.07) |
Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services | Associate's Degree | 5108 (51.08) |
Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions | Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma | 5109 (51.09) |
Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions | Associate's Degree | 5109 (51.09) |
Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions | Bachelors Degree | 5109 (51.09) |
Medical Illustration and Informatics | Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma | 5127 (51.27) |
Medical Illustration and Informatics | Associate's Degree | 5127 (51.27) |
Medical Illustration and Informatics | Bachelors Degree | 5127 (51.27) |
Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services | Associate's Degree | 5131 (51.31) |
Somatic Bodywork and Related Therapeutic Services | Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma | 5135 (51.35) |
Somatic Bodywork and Related Therapeutic Services | Associate's Degree | 5135 (51.35) |
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing | Associate's Degree | 5138 (51.38) |
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing | Bachelors Degree | 5138 (51.38) |
Practical Nursing, Vocational Nursing and Nursing Assistants | Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma | 5139 (51.39) |
Business Administration, Management and Operations | Associate's Degree | 5202 (52.02) |
Hospitality Administration/Management | Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma | 5209 (52.09) |
Hospitality Administration/Management | Associate's Degree | 5209 (52.09) |
Human Resources Management and Services | Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma | 5210 (52.10) |
Human Resources Management and Services | Associate's Degree | 5210 (52.10) |