Trocaire College Admission Rate

Trocaire College admission rate is 0.5033. It means that out of 100 applicants only 50 will be accepted.

Trocaire College Details

OwnershipPrivate nonprofit
Zip Code14220-2094
RegionMid East (DE, DC, MD, NJ, NY, PA)
Number of Students124
College Website
College Program4 Year

Trocaire College Tuition

In State Tuition$16,290
Out of State Tuition$16,290
Average Net Cost To Attend$14,116

Trocaire College Demographics

Non-resident Alien0.08%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander0.16%
American Indian/Alaska Native1.14%

Trocaire College Fields Of Study and Degrees

Field of StudyDegreeField of Study CIP
Data ProcessingUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma1103 (11.03)
Data ProcessingAssociate's Degree1103 (11.03)
Computer Systems Networking and TelecommunicationsUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma1109 (11.09)
Computer Systems Networking and TelecommunicationsAssociate's Degree1109 (11.09)
Computer/Information Technology Administration and ManagementAssociate's Degree1110 (11.10)
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and HumanitiesAssociate's Degree2401 (24.01)
Health and Medical Administrative ServicesUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma5107 (51.07)
Health and Medical Administrative ServicesAssociate's Degree5107 (51.07)
Allied Health and Medical Assisting ServicesAssociate's Degree5108 (51.08)
Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment ProfessionsUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma5109 (51.09)
Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment ProfessionsAssociate's Degree5109 (51.09)
Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment ProfessionsBachelors Degree5109 (51.09)
Medical Illustration and InformaticsUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma5127 (51.27)
Medical Illustration and InformaticsAssociate's Degree5127 (51.27)
Medical Illustration and InformaticsBachelors Degree5127 (51.27)
Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition ServicesAssociate's Degree5131 (51.31)
Somatic Bodywork and Related Therapeutic ServicesUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma5135 (51.35)
Somatic Bodywork and Related Therapeutic ServicesAssociate's Degree5135 (51.35)
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical NursingAssociate's Degree5138 (51.38)
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical NursingBachelors Degree5138 (51.38)
Practical Nursing, Vocational Nursing and Nursing AssistantsUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma5139 (51.39)
Business Administration, Management and OperationsAssociate's Degree5202 (52.02)
Hospitality Administration/ManagementUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma5209 (52.09)
Hospitality Administration/ManagementAssociate's Degree5209 (52.09)
Human Resources Management and ServicesUndergraduate Certificate or Diploma5210 (52.10)
Human Resources Management and ServicesAssociate's Degree5210 (52.10)

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